Collecting Blurbs, Endorsements and Reviews

Wouldn’t you love an endorsement from your favorite author on the cover of your next book? It’s like being knighted or anointed. There are a few authors who’ve enjoyed this privilege. However, what if I told you that an author endorsement is not everything to marketing and selling your book? Here are some considerations that are every bit as important if not more so:

  1. Readers care what other readers think. Ask your readers for blurbs (brief quotes), endorsements (direct recommendations) and reviews.
  2. If you are a new author, then it is okay to reach out to established authors for a blurb. Endorsements should come from people you know and who know your work well.
  3. If you’ve been reviewed in the past, then use the best compliments from those reviews as blurbs for the next book’s cover and promotional material.
  4. Use blurbs from published reviews at Amazon and other online booksellers. Make sure to note the reviewer as in their initials and city, or their first name if published as such.
  5. Note the difference between blurbs for you (the author) and the book. You should use author blurbs to do advance promotions, and introductions to new audiences. Book blurbs are to give readers faith in your ability as an author.

One last bit of advice. You can ask famous people for blurbs and endorsements, but do so at your own risk. It’s always best to ask people you already have an established relationship with to provide either blurbs or endorsements. If you have famous friends and they don’t mind, then go for it.

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